Post Tagged with: "Cleaning news"

Cleaning Show, 11 – 14 iunie 2014, Romexpo
Editiea niversara in 2014!

Cleaning Show, 11 – 14 iunie 2014, Romexpo Editie aniversara in 2014!

Cea mai mare expozitie destinata curateniei profesionale, industriale si domestice din Romania se va desfasura intre 11-14 iunie 2014, la Romexpo! Ajuns la cea de-aV-aeditie, Cleaning Show lanseaza o invitatie de nerefuzat care garanteaza evolutia in afaceri pentru firmele din domeniu. Evenimentul este organizat de EUROEXPO si ROMEXPO si se[Read More…]

September edition of ECJ online now!

September edition of ECJ online now!

So, what is so exciting about the cleaning industry after all?

So, what is so exciting about the cleaning industry after all?

Evenimente conexe la Cleaning Expo 2013

Evenimente conexe la Cleaning Expo 2013

Ce-ati pierdut cat ati fost in vacanta…Licitatiile din sezonul estival!

Ce-ati pierdut cat ati fost in vacanta…Licitatiile din sezonul estival!

Communication inside and outside the industry

Communication inside and outside the industry

Spanish director general of the European Union – will open CMS conference in Berlin

Spanish director general of the European Union – will open CMS conference in Berlin

Pulire Verona 2013

AfidampFAB establishes the INNOVATION AWARD PULIRE 2013

AfidampFAB (Italian Association of manufacturers of machinery, products and tools for the industrial cleaning and environmental hygiene) establishes the INNOVATION AWARD PULIRE 2013

Pulire Verona 2013

Pulire 2.0, sustainable exhibition: energy savings of 86% on the shell scheme stands

This is just one of the aims that Pulire Verona plans to increase its sustainable policy, in line with the European Standard ISO 20121:2012 for sustainable events

Pulire Verona 2013


Professional cleaning is staged in Verona from 21st to May 23, 2013